Write for Us

If you want to share your knowledge and unique insights about SEO, then feel free to send me a pitch of your topic at derek AT derekiwasiuk.com.

The pitch should include the following:

  • The subject line should be “Guest Post Submission.” I will ignore any other subject line!
  • Title of the proposed post
  • 3-4 bullet points of what you will discuss in the article
  • 2-3 samples of your published articles

If I like the pitch, I will reach out to you to write it.

How to write your guest post

If your pitch gets accepted, please observe the following guidelines in your article:

  • 2,000 words or more in English
  • At least 3-4 images for your post, preferably screenshots. You can also use images from free stock photo sites but include the link to the image from the site so we can verify.
  • Unique and not published anywhere
  • No affiliate links!
  • 2-3 links to articles on my blog
  • You can include links to relevant resources but I reserve the right to remove some of the links due to undisclosed reasons
  • 2-3 sentence byline that contains one (1) link and a max of three (3) links to your social media profiles.

If the article you submit doesn’t meet the quality we require for our posts, I will kindly ask you to edit the post.

If I feel that the article is not a great fit on my blog, I will, unfortunately, have to reject your article.

If you feel you are up to the challenge, then please submit your pitch at derek AT derekiwasiuk.com.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!